Watch Transaction
Polls the receipt of the given transaction hash.
watch_tx("tx_hash", interval_ms)
-- @param tx_hash - The transaction hash (string).
-- @param interval_ms - The interval in milliseconds to poll the receipt (number).
As you've seen for transaction based functions (like declare, deploy and invoke) you already have an option you can pass to wait for the transaction receipt before continuing.
However, in some cases, you may want to send several transactions, but you don't want declare, deploy and invoke to block until the receipt is available.
For this, you can set the watch_interval
of such functions to nil
(or simply remove this key from the options), and then you can manually watch any transaction you would like.
-- Note here the absence of `watch_interval` key as options is empty.
local set_a_res, _ = invoke(
to = "0x1111",
func = "set_a",
calldata = { "0x1234" },
-- the first invoke will not block, and will return
-- once the transaction hash is obtained from the RPC.
-- But the transaction may not be executed at the moment
-- we call this one.
local set_b_res, _ = invoke(
to = "0x1111",
func = "set_b",
calldata = { "0xff" },
watch_tx(set_b_res.tx_hash, 200);
-- once here, we're sure that the second invoke transaction
-- was processed by the sequencer.