Realizes a function call on Starknet.
call("contract_address", "function_name", args, opts)
-- @param contract_address - The contract to target (string).
-- @param function_name - The name of the function to call (string).
-- @param args - Arguments passed to function (table array-like of strings).
{ string, string, ... }
-- @param opts - Options for the transaction (table).
-- The block id against which the function call is done. Can be "pending", "latest" or any number in decimal.
-- Default = "pending".
block_id = string,
-- Any other keys in the table are ignored.
-- @return - A table array-like of strings on success, string error otherwise.
{ string, string, ... }
For now, the felt252
type is represented as a string in Lua. So you have to pass the arguments
as serialized felts.
Work in progress: in the future, Kipt will also provider some basic scheme as starkli does.
The output of the call is also the serialized list of felts as string
local call_res, _ = call(contract_address, "get_a", {}, { block_id = "latest" })
ℹ️ Note
Note the usage of
, this is a function provided by Kipt to easily print a formatted array of felts returns by a call.